Hualien Earthquake Report on Affected Saints – April 3, 2024 I.
Saints with Personal Injuries: Approximately ten saints suffered injuries from falling objects, being crushed by cabinets, or experiencing severe shock. All have received medical treatment and have been discharged from the hospital. The remaining saints are generally safe. II. Damage to Saints’ Homes: Following the earthquake, the ten-story Tonghua Building adjacent to the Hualien meeting hall showed exposed steel bars in the first-floor pillars, raising concerns about it being deemed unsafe. The site has been cordoned off and access is restricted. The entire second floor of approximately 200 ping (around 660 square meters) belongs to the church. More than ten households above the third floor are privately owned by saints. Additionally, there is a collapsed and tilted Uranus Building, with one unit owned by a saint. III. Current Situation: Around 20 households totaling over 40 saints are currently homeless and have been temporarily placed in the homes of other saints, the meeting hall, charity shelters, or government shelters. This report is to inform the brothers in the gospel work about the situation of the saints affected by the Hualien earthquake on April 3rd. May the Lord keep and remember them!
(Translated from Google Gemini)
2024/0403 花莲大地震圣徒受灾情况报告
一,圣徒人身受灾部分: 约近十位圣徒,遭掉落物击伤,柜体压伤,或重度惊吓等,都经送医治疗,目前皆已出院。其余圣徒大致平安。 二,圣徒房舍毁损部分: 花莲会所隔壁的十层的统花大楼,地震后,ㄧ楼柱子有钢筋外露现象,恐被视为危楼,现场已遭封锁管制。其中第二层整层约200坪,属于召会所有;三楼以上,也有十余户为圣徒私人拥有。另外还有一倒塌倾斜的天王星大楼,其中也有一户为圣徒拥有。 三,目前受灾无家可归之圣徒约20户40余人,暂时安置于圣徒们家中、会所、慈善机构收容中心、或公部门收容中心等。 谨转知福音工作弟兄们关于 403花莲大地震圣徒受灾情况之交通如上,求主保守记念!