2020 Labor Day Weekend Conference All the Churches in California

2020 Labor Day Weekend Conference

Welcome to the 2020 Labor Day Weekend Conference

Conference Announcement

July 17, 2020

To: All the churches in California
Re: Labor Day Blending Conference

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord:

We are happy to announce that there will be a Labor Day weekend blending conference from Friday, September 4, through Lord’s Day, September 6, 2020. The conference will be conducted online and will include both spoken messages and breakout sessions for mutual sharing and blending of all the saints. We would like to extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals in the entire state of California to participate in this online gathering.

Such a conference of all the churches in California is unprecedented and should be a further advance in the blending of the entire Body for the Lord’s unique testimony.

The meeting schedule is as follows:

Message Date Time
1st meeting Friday, September 4 7:30 PM
2nd meeting Saturday, September 5 10:00 AM
3rd meeting Saturday, September 5 7:30 PM
4th meeting Lord’s Day, September 6 10:00 AM*

Further details concerning the conference will be announced in the coming weeks.

“God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24).” Please pray for the blending of the churches and for the Lord to release a timely speaking concerning His move today.

The co-workers in California

* The blending conference will not include a Lord’s Table. Churches who would like to have a Lord’s Table are encouraged to make their own arrangements such that the saints are able to join the conference at 10:00 AM.

