Summer School of Truth 2020 Some Report

Hi Saints,
After participating in Session One, many can testify that God’s is spreading in all the YP’s being, from your labor in the Lord.  Attached is a link to a new folder that contains some pictures of the YP in Hualien participating with you all during today’s session.  The brothers will continue to update the folder as the SST progresses.
Singing time begins tomorrow Saturday at 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time.
Attached here are a few pictures from the folder.
Hi Saints,
Looking forward to seeing you all on tonight.  Singing time begins at 5:30pm for those who are free, welcome to join.  We would ask all the serving ones to join by 5:55pm so that the brothers can do a quick hello, which includes a gallery view of all of us serving ones, greeting the saints and YP In Hualien.  Then we would be dismissed by the brothers and join our various Zoom Meeting.  I’m am looking forward to seeing you all on tonight and also hearing the messages that the brothers have prepared for us and also the student panels and also special fellowship at the end.  Please pay special attention to the brothers’ sharing of the messages so we can help the YP in our group touch the burden of the message during our small breakout group time with them.

Mt 11:29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Mt 11:30For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

As the Lord said, we should all learn from Him.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  The foot notes mention that the work to carry out the Father’s will, which includes this SST, the yolk should be easy not bitter, the burden light not heavy.  Our time with the YP should be good, kind, mild, gentle, easy and pleasant.  

Everyone in Hualien is so excited to see you all and they are all ready and eager to enjoy your portion of Christ.

Attached are some picture from their orientation time and singing.