The Lord’s Recent Move in Kenya

The Lord’s Recent Move in Kenya

Since the beginning of this year we see the unlimited One is moving in this country in an intensified way. Despite the pandemic the Lord’s move is not hindered and He has gained some open new contacts in at least 6 areas.

Kisii is a town in south west Kenya, 7 hour’s drive from Nairobi. Last December some saints visited 3 contacts there. In February this year we visited again, and there are now 27 new ones meeting in four homes. In June we also visited and met three brothers in a restaurant (because of the restrictions) and they had a very encouraging testimony of how they are enjoying the ministry.

Oyugis is another town one hour from Kisii. Last year one brother from this area attended our East and Central Africa Blending Conference in Kampala, Uganda. He was so impressed by the pure word spoken during the Conference. When we visited in January this year, we met a group of 7 here enjoying the ministry. In June we sent them some more ministry books.

There are 5 new ones in this border town of Busia (between Kenya and Uganda). One of the brothers there contacted our brothers in Brazil via social media, who then contacted our brothers in London and then referred to us. We visited them in May. These brothers are very open and we gave them some ministry material. We hope to visit them again this coming August.

Yalla is also in West Kenya. There are 5 new ones here. One of the brothers was a leader in their free group “without affiliation”. Two saints from Matungu and two from Kisumu (churches in Kenya) have visited them. They also came to blend with the Church in Kakamega – they testified that they have been wandering for so long but their wandering is now over.

Naivasha is a town 150km from Nairobi. One brother contacted one of our brothers in South Africa who then gave us his contact. In July four saints from the church in Nairobi visited five new ones here. We later discovered that one of them was in the church life before but left because of the turmoil years ago. They told us that they have been orphans for so long (over ten year) and now all that has ended. They were so joyful when we gave them ministry books.

Nakurua is a town 3 hours west of Nairobi, the capital. A Kenyan brother gained in London has returned to settle in Kenya. He contacted some people – five are meeting, and four of them are participating in the Biannual Training now.

In addition to the above, we have also seen some backsliding ones and scattered ones returning to the church life. We believe this is an answer from the Lord to the 60 day global watchman prayer. He is faithful!

Book Distribution
In February this year, two saints from Kenya attended a book distribution training in Addis, Ethiopia. More saints participated in another online training in April. Despite the pandemic we did a distribution in Western Kenya and gave out 2,000 books including the ones we took to the new areas. We also made calls to those who gave us their contacts to follow up. Prior to the pandemic we had also done some distribution in Nairobi University. However, we couldn’t continue in Nairobi because it is the epicenter of Covid-19 outbreak so not much can be done here for now. We still have some books and this August we hope to reach out to some more areas especially in cities in western Kenya.

Prayer burden
1. Pray for the new ones contacted in at least six towns to become remaining fruits, and new lampstands can be raised up.
2. Pray for the spread of the ministry in all the 47 counties in Kenya, using online platform to reach many seekers.
3. Pray for His strong testimony in Kenya, for the Lord to gain many young people, and raise up some to be perfected and serve Him full time.
