【Testimony for Brother Paul Wu | A Supporter and Motivator of the Lord’s Move in Germany】【吴有成弟兄的见证 | 主在德国行动的助推者和安慰人者】

【Testimony for Brother Paul Wu | A Supporter and Motivator of the Lord’s Move in Germany】

Starting in 2015, many refugees from the Middle East started swarm into Germany. Thru the prayer of the church and the leading of the ministry, the responsible brothers in Taiwan started to fellowship how to coordinate this move of the Lord, among them include our dear Brother Wu.

Right after many successive gospel movements, Brother Wu also came to visit Germany in the spring of 2016, to care for the Lord’s move and the churches in Germany. At that time, in addition to my personal education and church life, plus providing hospitality for the saints and coordinating in gospel preaching, and shepherding the needs of the newly saved refugees. Facing such a monumental change, my heart actually felt as if it was “adrift in air”. But the moment I heard that Brother Wu and others are visiting, I suddenly felt that “morale boost”, felt “sturdy”, and my heart “know exactly what to do”.

The day when Brother Wu visited is during a prayer meeting in the Church in Berlin, I served as translator in the meeting. Brother Wu’s fellowship is filled with so much encouragement, comfort and loving care! Even mentioning this nobody like me. I remember that he said, “Our Brother Jian-Li from Taiwan functioned a lot! If he was still in Taiwan, no one would know him!” After I awkwardly finish translating this sentence, everyone chuckled. Thus, a nameless cipher in Taiwan, can function once in Germany, then everyone can! That is how Brother Wu encourages everyone.

I actually thought, at first, I’m not that bad…? But immediately, I realized that it is the Lord’s mercy, that I can still remain in the church! Brother Wu’s word not only encouraged me, but also brought me into the Lord’s light.

Thank the Lord, Brother Wu is a faithful and wise servant of the Lord, surrounding us like a cloud, so that we may run the race to the end!

By Brother Jian-Li Lee, Church in Munich









慕尼黑召會 李建立 弟兄
