

在这个瘟疫疫情肆虐席卷全球,造成人心惶惶不安的时候,让我们回转归向耶和华, 趁耶和华可以寻找的时候寻找祂, 呼求祂的名,奮起抓住祂,因為祂出現確定如晨光,祂必臨到我們像甘雨,像滋潤大地的春雨。所以让我们举起我们的心,敞开我们的口,说凡有气息的都要赞美耶和华! 阿利路亞! 因为当眾人一開始歡呼歌唱讚美,耶和華就派伏兵擊殺那來攻擊猶大人的亞捫人、摩押人、和西珥山人,他們就被打敗了。当我们赞美耶和华的时候,瘟疫就就像攻擊我们的仇敌一样,被击杀,被止住了!

在这里,跟大家分享一首由两位亲爱的姊妹Christina and Angie作曲和唱诗的美妙的诗歌, 让我们一同来赞美耶和华!

Psalms 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise Jehovah. Hallelujah!
I put a tune to Psalm 150:6 and Angie helped me by singing it


歷代志下20:22 眾人一開始歡呼歌唱讚美,耶和華就派伏兵擊殺那來攻擊猶大人的亞捫人、摩押人、和西珥山人,他們就被打敗了。
2 Chro. 20:22 And when they began to shout in song and to praise, Jehovah set ambushes for the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who were coming out against Judah; and they were struck.
以賽亞書 64:7無人呼求你的名,無人奮起抓住你;原來你掩面不顧我們,使我們被自己的罪孽消滅。
Isaiah 64:7 And there is no one who calls upon Your name, Who stirs himself up to lay hold of You; For You have hidden Your face from us And have consumed us by our iniquities.
何西阿書 6:3 我們務要認識耶和華,竭力追求認識祂;祂出現確定如晨光,祂必臨到我們像甘雨,像滋潤大地的春雨。
Hosea 6:3 Therefore let us know, let us pursue knowing Jehovah: His going forth is as sure as the dawn, And He will come to us as the rain, As the latter rain which waters the earth.
