Amarillo/Canyon TX—Gospel Trip, Report 1 美国阿马里洛及德克萨斯州坎宁 福音之旅,第一报导

Amarillo/Canyon TX—Gospel Trip, Report 1

Howdy from Amarillo, TX! Amarillo is the largest city in Texas that does not have a local church. There are about 200,000 people in Amarillo, and in the Amarillo-Canyon area there is a community college, Amarillo College, and a four-year university, West Texas A&M, which both have student populations of 10,000. There used to be a church life in Amarillo two decades ago, but those saints have migrated out of the area. There are a few families who are related to the saints in Oklahoma City who are not currently meeting. The Lord has stirred up a burden in the Body to reach out to these saints and to distribute Bibles for America materials in these college campuses.

During four days of labor on the college campuses, the team has had meaningful conversations with at least 250 students, given out 172 New Testament Recovery Version Bibles, handed out 1,355 gospel tracts, handed out 34 ministry books, and prayed with 5 students to receive the Lord. We discovered that many students are open to the Lord and many students are eager to receive a Bible.

We invited the students we contacted to a Bible study presentation on how to use the New Testament Recovery version Wednesday evening. Three new students came to the Bible study. One of these students sought our company since her family has had a history of being with the saints in Burma and has long since been seeking a church life in the Amarillo area. The other two were sisters who enjoyed our company so much that they joined us for dinner at our lodging. They even invited their parents!

A family, who is serving with the Amarillo team, are related to many people in the Amarillo area. Two of these families are fellow believers who positively respond to the ministry. There is also a family who was in the Recovery two decades ago but has left due to migration of saints from the area. We had a sweet time with them at the Wednesday night dinner and fellowship.

Many saints from Oklahoma will join the team this weekend to distribute Bibles and ministry material at the local Walmarts in Amarillo and Canyon, TX. There will also be an invitation along with the distributed gospel tracts to a Bible study presentation Friday night.

Prayer Burdens:

  • Pray that the Lord would cause the growth in all of the gospel seeds sown via the gospel tracks and distributed New Testament Bibles.
  • That the students we have contacted would come to the Friday Bible Study and that they would all come to know the Lord in a deeper way through His Word.
  • That those related to the family would be shepherded by our visitation and would respond positively to the ministry.
  • That the Word would run this Friday afternoon, as the saints distribute gospel tracts and free Bibles at the local Walmart Stores.
  • That the Lord could gain a testimony in Amarillo, TX

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