Rutgers Christians on Campus Blending with the Saints from the Church in New York City 罗格斯大学校园基督徒与纽约市召会圣徒相调

One of our home groups drove up to blend with the saints from the Church in New York City! Amen for the Body! The church life is sweet wherever we go. – via Rutgers Christians on Campus

Why is the church life is so sweet to us?
The indwelling Christ is working within all the brothers and sisters within the church. If we did not have the indwelling Christ, we would all go our own way. We love all the brothers and sisters because Jesus is living and working within them. In the church life every member is so precious, and we do love one another. It is not that we are so lovable; it is because of the treasure indwelling us. (The Indwelling Christ in the Canon of the New Testament, Chapter 10)

2Co 4:7 – But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us.
