2015 April Propagation in South part of Bangladesh

Rejoice in the Lord! On the past one week we three brothers propagated in Khulna, Mongla and Satkhira area the southwest part of Bangladesh, our Lord desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.
Lord’s testimony in Khulna area already have 3 local Churches. When we visited one village near the Khulna city, that place people open to us very much, after gospel sharing, the word of God working in their hearts, finally 20 brothers and sisters were baptized, especially the house owner and all his family members altogether 4 persons were saved. Before give baptism we encourage them deeply to call upon the Lord’s name, when they did these some brothers and sisters they cry before the Lord. Lunch time house owner willing to open theirs house received us and prepared food for us.
Last day in Khulna we had serving ones meeting, altogether 11 brothers we pray and fellowship together, Praise the Lord for this blending.
Mongla area some college young brothers follow the Lord’s Recovery. According to there situation after fellowship we bring some serving ones with us visited one place, on board the ship all we are calling the Lord’s name personally and corporately.
Lord’s testimony in Satkhira have 3 Churches. One brother house have 4 brothers living together, every week 15 brothers and sisters gather together have Lord’s table meeting in the Satkhira city. One serving one is Muslim background, through the Lord’s arrangement this brother believe in the Lord, then follow the Lord’s recovery and faithfully serve the Lord in Satkhira area.
We thank the Lord for His leading, the gospel of the kingdom brings the believers into the realm of the divine ruling, may the Lord bless His testimony in these churches, we can participate in the blessings of the divine life in the divine kingdom, Amen.
In Christ
Serving ones