Praise the Lord for saints in Central Asia. Conference was held in Kyrgizstan!

Praise the Lord for saints in Central Asia.
Conference was held in Kyrgizstan.
So saints came from many cental Area which was soviet Union Before.
Actually these area is based on the Muslim.
But, Nowadays, There are many seeking ones and many saints who follow the Lord!
Saints! We really need to pray for these area so that God can continue to spread and gain more of sons of peace.
May the Lord bless saints there and be with them! Amen.



For more pictures and video, please go to FaceBook: David Chang.

  • Many young people in the churches in Kirgizstan were in the conference. They are the second generation in the church life. It is one of the most encouraging things I saw in this trip. And the brothers here are paying attention to taking care of their children in the church life. Some new ones came from the southern part of KG. This is also something new. The Lord has raised up a couple in a southern city called Jala-abad. The husband is an American and the wife is a local Kirgiz.
  • The meeting hall is being enlarged. This meeting hall has played a very crucial role in the Lord’s move to central Asia. It is because this property that the church in Bishkek can have a legal standing in meeting and having conferences or trainings. Now it is too small. Praise the Lord for the growing.