Pray for the contacts in University of Duesselfdorf – Germany

Germany, United Kingdom
Praise the Lord for His far-reaching mercy and grace! The Lord is continuing to cherish and
nourish us! On Monday we were able to go to the University of Duesseldorf! We handed out
ten Bibles with six wanting further contact. There were not too many passing by our set up,
which was right off of the University property, so several of us went out two by two to bring
the Bibles to the Germans! Regardless of how people responded, we all realized the
importance of going out to contact people. If there is an inflow, there should be an outflow!
The Lord set us that we should go forth and bear fruit! If we cooperate, the Lord always has
those whom He has prepared, but because the Lord works through man, we must cooperate
with Him to go out!
During the evening the brothers met together for the brothers’ meeting. Though we were all
tired, it was so awesome to be together to touch the throne! Whenever the Lord gathers us
into His name, there is the supply. That was our experience! We read through a ministry
portion and fellowshipped together. On Tuesday we had our morning coordination as normal
and then went out to see the sights of Duesseldorf. We left back to London on Tuesday
evening. Praise the Lord for the church in Duesseldorf! There are about 30 saints who meet
regularly from house to house. We entered into a very healthy and encouraging situation, just
joining the saints in what they were already doing. Overall we had four Bible distributions in
which we handed out 62 Bibles with 27 wanting further contact.
May the Lord continue to bless His church in Duesselfdorf and grant them remaining fruit
unto His glory! Lord, do it for Your sake.

Germany, United KingdomPraise the Lord for His far-reaching mercy and grace! The Lord is continuing to cherish and nourish us! On Monday we were able to go to the University of Duesseldorf! We handed out ten Bibles with six wanting further contact. There were not too many passing by our set up, which was right off of the University property, so several of us went out two by two to bring the Bibles to the Germans! Regardless of how people responded, we all realized the importance of going out to contact people. If there is an inflow, there should be an outflow! The Lord set us that we should go forth and bear fruit! If we cooperate, the Lord always has those whom He has prepared, but because the Lord works through man, we must cooperate with Him to go out!During the evening the brothers met together for the brothers’ meeting. Though we were all tired, it was so awesome to be together to touch the throne! Whenever the Lord gathers us into His name, there is the supply. That was our experience! We read through a ministry portion and fellowshipped together. On Tuesday we had our morning coordination as normal and then went out to see the sights of Duesseldorf. We left back to London on Tuesday evening. Praise the Lord for the church in Duesseldorf! There are about 30 saints who meet regularly from house to house. We entered into a very healthy and encouraging situation, just joining the saints in what they were already doing. Overall we had four Bible distributions in which we handed out 62 Bibles with 27 wanting further contact. May the Lord continue to bless His church in Duesselfdorf and grant them remaining fruit unto His glory! Lord, do it for Your sake.

View the detailed report from Feb 6 here.