7/1/19 –7/7/19 International Prayer Burdens 全球祷告负担(二〇一九年七月1日至七月7日)

7/1/19- 7/7/19 International Prayer Burdens
(Pray for one country each day)

Monday: U.S.; Tuesday: UK; Wednesday: Mexico; Thursday: Ethiopia; Friday: New Zealand; Saturday: South Korea;  Sunday: Russia

Please pray for the college students in these countries. 

Lev. 25:10a “And you shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you;”

Luke 4:18-19 ” The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to announce the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away in release those who are oppressed, To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of jubilee.”

Dear saints, 

Praise the Lord that you have received these burdens to pray for the Lord’s move on the whole earth. Since Feb. 2013, trainees from FTTA have been praying for the Lord’s move in one country each day. As of Oct. 1, 2013, we have completed the prayer for all the nations (approximately 200 countries, including some that may not even be recognized as countries yet) for the Lord’s move to cover the whole earth. Let us continue to pray for the Lord’s move all over the earth. These prayer burdens are according to the world situation and the needs of the Body.  The prayers for these international prayer burdens have been prayed by saints from the FTTAnaheim, FTTLondon, FTTTaipei, FTTHongKong, FTTMoscow, FTT Manila, FTTIndia, FTTMexico, FTTTokyo, FTTMalaysia, FTTmiddle age, FTTPretoria, FTT Hamilton,  FTTA-Boston, FTTSeoul, FTTAsuncion Caaupe, FTTBangkok, FTTMalabon  and the local saints from Israel, Egypt, Portugal, Italy, UK, Holland,Hong Kong, United States, Spain, Scotland, Germany, Mexico, Bolivia, India, France, Japan, Swaziland, Greece, Argentina, Pakistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, South Africa, Taiwan, Guatemala, Brazil, Australia, Malaysia, Denmark, Philippines, Romania, Dubai, Belize, Poland, Canada, Switzerland  and South Korea.

May our prayers produce overcomers who will bring the King and the Kingdom of the Heavens to the earth, to engage in spiritual warfare with God’s enemy, pray the kingdom prayers, and bring the Lord back with the kingdom.

Praise You Lord! Come Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus make us men of prayer! Your name is excellent in all the earth.