Dear Brothers,
Please see the fellowship and urgent request below concerning developments in Russia.
Dear brothers,
Some days ago a court in Moscow, Russia, ruled that the footnotes of the Recovery Version by Brother Witness Lee are “extremist” and therefore to be banned in Russia. (See one published report here.) The publication of this ruling is due Monday, March 17, 2025, and afterward the brothers have thirty days to appeal. While the suit is technically against Living Stream Ministry (as the publisher of the Russian New Testament Recovery Version), the obvious target is the publication work in Russia (BBD) and the Lord’s move in the Russian-speaking world. The brothers in BBD are seeking the prayers of the saints during these critical days while this suit makes its way through the Russian court system. We brothers at LSM agreed to make BBD’s request known to you brothers to see if you would consider placing this matter before all the co-workers for prayer in the local churches of the Lord’s recovery. At the end of this email we offer some possible matters for prayer. But please know that we leave this whole matter entirely up to you and are at peace with whatever you decide to do.
Thank you for your consideration.
In Him,
The brothers at LSM
Based on suggestions from the brothers in BBD, we can present the following prayer burdens related to this need:
- For the saints in the Russian-speaking world to be strengthened by the Lord, not thinking that the fiery ordeal among them is strange, but that inasmuch as they share in the sufferings of Christ, they would rejoice, so that also at the revelation of His glory they may rejoice exultingly (1 Pet. 4:12-13).
- For the leading ones and all the saints in the Russian-speaking world to be subject to the authorities over them, for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are ordained by God (Rom. 13:1), and to remember that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).
- For all the serving ones and all the full-time trainees in Russia to be at peace and open to the Lord’s direction through the brothers there.
- For the protection of the Lord’s truth in the Russian language and the continued availability and spread of this ministry to His seekers and lovers in the Russian-speaking world, remembering with thanksgiving and praise all that He has done in this regard during the past decades.
- For the continued and even intensified shining of the testimony of Jesus in all the local churches in the Russian-speaking world.
Also, we ask the saints everywhere who pray:
- To be careful to wrestle not against blood and flesh (persons and institutions) but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies (Eph. 6:10-13).
- To pray in the heavenlies, where in fact we are seated together with the Lord in His exalted position on the throne in ascension (Eph. 2:6; 1:20; 3:10)
- To pray for the current situation by always taking the Lord’s interest, and not our welfare, as its focus, that is, the producing of the overcomers to be His bride to hasten His return and bring in His eternal kingdom.
几天前,俄罗斯莫斯科的一家法院裁定,李常受弟兄所写的《恢复本》脚注是“极端主义的”,因此在俄罗斯应予禁止。(见此处的一份已发表报告。)该裁决将于 2025 年 3 月 17 日星期一公布,之后弟兄们有 30 天的时间上诉。虽然该诉讼在技术上是针对水流职事站(作为俄罗斯新约恢复本的出版商),但明显的目标是俄罗斯的出版工作(BBD)和主在俄语世界的行动。在俄罗斯法院系统审理此案期间,BBD 的弟兄们正在这些关键的日子里寻求圣徒们的祷告。我们 LSM 的弟兄们同意将 BBD 的请求告知各位弟兄们,看你们是否愿意考虑将此事提交给主恢复的地方召会的所有同工们,以便为他们祷告。在这封电子邮件的结尾,我们提供了一些可以祷告的事项。但请知悉,我们将整个事情完全交给您处理,并且无论您做出什么决定,我们都会安心地对待。
LSM 的弟兄们
- 愿俄语世界的圣徒们靠着主坚固自己,不要以为火炼的试验是奇怪的,倒要因他们是与基督一同受苦,并且欢喜快乐,使他们在他荣耀显现的时候,也可以欢喜快乐(彼得前书 4:12-13)。
- 俄语世界的领袖和所有圣徒都要顺服在上掌权的,因为没有权柄不是出于神的,凡掌权的都是神所命的(罗马书 13:1),并且要记住,万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人(罗马书 8:28)。
- 愿俄罗斯所有服事者和全时间受训者都平安,并敞开心扉,接受主透过那里的弟兄们的指导。
- 为了保护俄语中的主的真理,并继续向俄语世界的寻求者和热爱者提供和传播这一事工,并感恩和赞美他过去几十年在这方面所做的一切。
- 为了耶稣的见证在俄语世界所有的地方召会中持续甚至加强的照耀。
- 要小心,不要与血气(人和机构)争战,而要与天空属灵气的恶魔争战(以弗所书 6:10-13)。
- 在天上祷告,事实上我们在那里与主一同坐在升天宝座上的高高位置上(弗 2:6;1:20;3:10)
- 为当前的局势祷告,总是以主的权益而不是我们的福利为中心,也就是产生得胜者作祂的新妇,催促祂的再来,并带进祂永远的国度。