【Liu Sui, “Serving the Lord for Life Is the Most Blessed Way” 2002.11.26 Fremont Church in Northern California, USA】 2025.3.12 The Church in Hualien City 【刘遂《一生服事主是最有福的路》2002.11.26美国北加州弗利蒙(Fremont )召会】 2025.3.12 花莲市召会 已发表 2025-03-13 Resource:https://youtu.be/GhxnSgPM_0Q
已发表 2020-08-28 Hallelujah! 5 Souls Being Baptized Today Church in Oroquieta Hallelujah 5 Souls got […]
已发表 2017-02-03 Saints in Padre las Casas, Chile Enjoying the Hymn during a Lord’s Day Meeting 智利帕德雷拉斯卡萨斯主日聚会享受诗歌 Saints in Chile enjoyi […]