LMAfrica Newsletter – July 2023

NORTH AFRICA comprises seven countries: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, and Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic – SADR (Western Sahara).
Currently, there is only one lampstand in the region, located in Cairo, Egypt. The main language spoken in these countries is Arabic, which is spoken by over 300 million people worldwide. This region is in great need of more lampstands, and therefore, requires much prayer from the Body.

No. of localities: 1
No. of saints in church life: 30
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 10-15

The saints have been meeting since 2016 and began taking the Lord’s Table in Cairo in 2020. Three local saints have completed the Full-time Training in Pretoria (FTTP), and a fourth local saint is now starting their third term of training in July 2023. We are burdened for increase and are emphasizing meetings with our new ones, both one-on-one and corporately.
Now that the COVID pandemic is over, most of our gatherings are held in person. We recently had a marvellous conference just outside Cairo from Thursday to Saturday, February 23-25, 2023. Several co-workers came from South Africa, the UK, and the U.S., along with several saints from Europe and Lebanon, to blend with the local saints. Over 74 saints joined us in person, including 46 Arabic-speaking saints from the Middle East (including 9 young people and 6 contacts from Cairo International Book Fair) and 28 from abroad. The topic covered was “THE CRUCIAL REVELATION OF LIFE IN THE SCRIPTURES,” with four live messages. It was glorious to blend with one another face to face!
2023 Cairo International Book Fair
The 2023 CIBF was once again held at the Egypt International Exhibition Centre. This year, over 1,000 publishers participated, including 26 Christian publishers, among them LSM through the Arabic literature work in Cairo. There is a sweet harmony and cooperation among all the Christian publishers at the book fair every year. Almost all the publishers at CIBF publish materials in Arabic, which attracts people from across the Arabic-speaking world. This year, the book fair had over three million visitors during its fourteen-day exhibition. CIBF is not only the largest book fair in the world for the Arabic-reading public but also the largest worldwide that is open directly to the public.
The Arabic publication work
Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world, and the translation work is divided into three main branches: 1) The Arabic New Testament Recovery Version translation project, 2) The translation of the Life-Study and stand-alone titles, and 3) The translation of the Semi-annual Trainings and Cairo Winter Conference (both written and oral).

This year, four new translators were added to the Arabic translation team. They are all recent college graduates, and some of them were contacted through the Cairo International Book Fair. By the Lord’s grace, the Arabic translation team continues to produce new titles in Arabic. These titles are intended for the perfecting and constitution of the local saints in the churches, as well as for new believers and unbelievers to become acquainted with the ministry of the age and be captured by the heavenly vision. This labour is of utmost importance for the Lord’s move and the spreading of the gospel throughout the entire Middle East.