Shepherding Words—from the Co-workers in the Lord’s Recovery in North America



This site addresses rumors that have arisen over the years regarding the local churches and the ministry of God’s word through Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. These rumors are in the nature of myths (1 Tim. 1:44:72 Tim. 4:4), that is, narrative stories without factual basis. Some of these rumors were long ago disproven but still circulate today. Others are new inventions. The accounts on this site are factual and are presented to help those who have encountered these rumors and those who desire to be equipped to respond to inquiries or accusations that may come their way.

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Basic topics vital for our understanding of what the Lord’s recovery is and how we can cooperate with the Lord to carry out His recovery today.

Our Basic Choice

After leading the children of Israel to the threshold of the good land, Moses recounted at length their history, including both negative and positive events, as well as God’s revelation of Himself through His laws and statutes. At the end…

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Articles showing what our attitude should be toward various matters if we are to closely follow the ministry in the Lord’s recovery today.

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Factual accounts to equip and educate the saints concerning various incidents or episodes in our history that have been misrepresented by opposing or dissenting ones.

Hiding History?

In recent years a myth has been spread on the Internet that the leadership in the Lord’s recovery has systematically concealed the “real” history of the local churches. Lacking firsthand…

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