Prayer for Steven Hou

Dear Brothers:

One of our leading brothers in Berlin, Steven Hou, has contracted Covid and is now in ICU in a Berlin hospital. Steven had been vaccinated while he was in the USA earlier this year. 

It was on Thursday, September 2, that Steven and another brother went to visit another leading one in the hospital ER. After sitting with him for a few hours, they went home. The next day they found out that the brother they visited was diagnosed with Covid. A few days later, Steven began to have symptoms. He stayed home in quarantine for the next few days, but as his symptoms worsened, and on Tuesday, September 7, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital. 

Over the last nine days, he has really been struggling with his breathing and his oxygen levels have been fluctuating up and down. Today, just before noon, his oxygen levels dropped to just over 70% and he was moved into ICU to watch him more closely. We are assuming he is now on a ventilator, but that has not been confirmed. 

Please pray for our brother’s life to be preserved and his function to be fully restored. Steven is a very key responsible brother and strong factor and channel of supply to the church in Berlin. For the Lord’s interest and move in the German-speaking world we pray desperately for his recovery. Please let the brothers know for their prayer.

For the brothers,

Tom Goetz