Job 19:25 ” But I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will stand upon the earth.”
Dear Saints,
If you’ve been wondering how we’ve been doing here in Islamabad during this ‘pandemic’ since we sent you our last update, and especially that Pakistan has been on the red list of countries where travelling is supposedly risky, we are doing fine here. We praise the Lord for this! No brother or sister has been hospitalised because of Covid 19, although one local saint was tested positive but he was asymptomatic.
All our meetings meet in person, except for one meeting in which sisters from 2 districts are combined online. Majority of the saints come to the meetings without masks. Social distancing is not possible because of the limited space in the 4 meeting halls (one district meets in 2 separate communities).
Here are some of the highlights:
1.In June was the first wedding in the Recovery. The brother is from Islamabad and the sister is from Lahore. Their wedding was held in Lahore. A minibus full of saints from Islamanad went to attend the wedding which was held in a wedding marquee. Around 70-80 people attended it.
2.Shortly after their wedding, Islamabad saints had a blending meeting in Dist. 2.
3.In early July, six saints (4 were young ones) were baptized. (See another baptism picture attached at the bottom.)
4. Also in July, some saints from Lahore spent 2 days of blending with the saints in Islamabad.
5. In August we had a training for parents that was attended by parents and young adults.
6. A monthly training for the saints serving in children’s meetings started in July.
7. Towards the end of July, our college-going son Shaad from California visited us for a month. He had several opportunities blending with the saints. (See attached picture below.)
8. The sisters from one community of Dist. 1 and Dist. 3 sisters usually have a monthly blending meeting/love feast because the sisters’ meeting is held online.
9. Gospel preaching is on-going in 6 different communities in Islamabad. Some of the new ones have already started joining the Lord’s Table Meeting.
10. In one of the 6 communities, there’s a group of seeking saints who have just been gained in the church life. They are having a daily corporate Morning Revival.
Prayer Burden:
1.National Blending Conference for brothers on November 14-21.
2. The first three month perfecting training in Pakistan will start in January next year. It will be held in Lahore for 3-months. Please pray for the brothers and sisters that are going to join.
3. Recovery of backslidden saints so that our target of 140 saints attending the LTM would be reached..
4. The new brothers and sisters in the church life will become remaining fruits.
2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and unto the day of eternity. Amen.”