- In Łódź, the third largest city in Poland located in the center of the country, a small group of believers (six brothers and six sisters) have been meeting together for over two years. Not having been able to meet physically for the past 12 months, this May they have started to meet on Tuesdays in a rented hall. On Thursdays they have been reading the Gospel of John online together. The saints joined the nearby church in Piotrków Trybunalski for a recent conference and training.
- n Wrocław, fourth largest city in Poland located in the southwestern part of the country, the Lord has recently stirred up some seeking ones to take the way of the Lord’s recovery and has given them a desire to raise up a local church in this key city. The cluster of those who enjoy and appreciate the ministry, and who stay in contact with the saints from the Lord’s recovery is growing.
Source:https://churchesceeb. org/