The Church in Lalitpur

We began to participate in the 21-day global prayer watch since last April. Then in May we deeply felt to continue such prayer practice, praying daily using the word of the ministry and for the Lord’s current move. Because of such practice of praying at set times, a number of saints have been strengthened in their burden and became more energized in taking the God-ordained way. These ones preach the gospel and contact the new ones steadfastly and have brought quite a number of new ones into the church life.

Praying at set times has also stirred up the burden within the saints to shepherd the new ones. Two households were shepherded and became stable in the church life last year. As of January, four other new ones’ households are also under the local saints’ continual shepherding and have joined some meetings.


Since last September, the brothers have been sharing with the saints migration testimonies all over the world. The saints are thus full of feelings for the Lord’s testimonies to be raised up in the two neighboring towns of Mahalaxmi and Godawari. In some saints’ fellowship with a brother from Mahalaxmi, this brother expressed his willingness to provide land for the church to build a meeting hall. In the subsequent times of fellowship and prayers with more saints, everyone felt at peace and full of anointing. So in the first week of December, after the pandemic restrictions on gatherings were lifted, we resumed the physical Lord’s Day meeting in a home in Mahalaxmi and fellowshipped with the local saints about the need for the construction of a meeting hall. All said “Amen” to the fellowship and began to offer financially. The amount needed to build the meeting hall was quickly reached. The construction started on December 14 and was completed in less than three weeks. On January 2, 2021, we had the first bread-breaking meeting in Mahalaxmi. A total of 29 saints came on that day, including 8 new ones and 8 children. The gathering was joyful and glorious.

source:Newsletters | Lord’s Move to Asia (