Church in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is a stable, secular Muslim nation located on the Caspian Sea, between Iran, Turkey and Russia. Collectively the region is known as the South Caucasus or West Asia. A couple first moved here more than two years ago, and some more saints arrived later. After a while some of the saints returned to their home localities. By His sovereignty the remaining saints continued to live near one another. Such arrangement allowed us to meet for daily coordination.


Last fall we began to remember the Lord at His Table, but we have not yet taken the ground. Since February of last year there have been regular online meetings conducted in the local language and several other times of online blending with overseas saints. Last year we walked through Paul’s four Epistles—Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians—the heart of the divine revelation and through the Gospel of Luke. We read through and fellowshipped over all of the associated Life-study messages. To be built up as the Body and the Lampstand depends upon our eating of Jesus.


In chapter five of “The World Situation and God’s Move” we read: “What the Lord is going to recover is simply this: Christ as the mystery of God to live in us as the indwelling Spirit¡K. Do not be preoccupied with anything else.” Chapter seven says, “Our responsibility is to live this Christ, to bring this Christ wherever we go.” We must not just preach the gospel. We must bear the testimony of Jesus…. We must bring forth fruit by abiding in Him…. After a few years there could be a small testimony in many countries.” While non-residents cannot preach the gospel openly in this country, our homes are open to receive friends. We have a few college students and local saints under our care. We also contact about a dozen seekers. We simply live a normal church life day by day. Our life seems to be along the lines of the above fellowship.


In October, Azerbaijan went to war with Armenia for 44 days until a political resolution was arrived at. Though it was a time of painful loss for both nations, even worse human destruction was averted through the prayers of the Body reaching to the throne and through the diplomatic settlement. During this time, we participated in a three-week training with Amana Trust in the UK together with four new ones here. This helped us quite a bit to see the heavenly vision and to endeavor to get on the way of the healthy practices which are ordained for us on the ground that God has chosen.


Through all of the blendings and speakings in the various inter-national conferences we have come to a fresh realization that we are slaves who have each been given one talent. All we can do is renew our consecration to take the way of truth, life, the church and the gospel, which are the four pillars of the Lord’s recovery according to the book of Acts and the Epistles. May the work of the literature continue to progress here so that many can be gained as part of this corporate vessel. “Be sober and alert that the Lord may grant you the proper guidance—whether to stay or to go, where to go, and the way to go…. A lampstand is not big like a lighthouse; I believe the Bible uses the lampstand to signify the church in order to give the sense that the church does not have to be a big thing.” (The World Situation and God’s Move, Chapter 7)


We thank Him for the grace which enables us to bear such a responsibility and for counting us worthy to take part in the one work of the ministry. Please pray for us and for His move here that we may continue to stand firm for the Lord.


Source: Newsletters | Lord’s Move to Asia (