泰国的众召会对于余洁麟弟兄的离去感到非常惋惜,他是为着基督身体劳苦并竭力争战的忠信奴仆。在1994年泰国经历风波的时期,因着弟兄姊妹们的四散及会所和福音书房被强占,我们因此遭受许多苦难及损失;但神是信实的,借着差遣余洁麟弟兄来帮助恢复并重新设立文字工作及泰国福音书房,使今时代那满了丰富供应的职事话语能被分赐到泰国神的众儿女们里面。 此外,弟兄也曾多次来访问我们,并将主恢复的圣灵水流供应给弟兄姊妹们,使主的恢复在泰国的见证再一次被复兴起来,并带领我们进入身体的交通,赞美神!
The Lord’s recovery in Thailand has always received abundance of strengthening and supply from our brother Andrew Yu, a faithful minister in Christ.
The churches in Thailand are deeply in grief over the passing of our brother Andrew Yu. Our brother was a faithful slave who labored and struggled according to the divine operation for the Body. In 1994, there was a turmoil in Thailand in which we suffered devastative damage resulting in the scattering of our dear saints. Moreover, the meeting hall and gospel book room had been entirely taken. However, our faithful God sent brother Andrew Yu to recover and re-establish the literature work and the Gospel Bookroom in Thailand. The purpose of which is to dispense the ministry of the age with all the bountiful supply to all the children of God in Thailand. Furthermore, our brother revisited us numerous times, ministering the flow of the Spirit in His recovery to all the saints. As a result, the testimony of the Lord’s recovery in Thailand was restored and brought into the blending in the Body again! Praise the Lord!
O Lord Jesus! Now our brother has rested from his labor, surely all his works will follow him (Rev. 14:13). May the Lord comfort and bountifully supply all the family members of our brother.
From the Gospel Bookroom and the churches in Thailand