主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一九年二月11日至二月17日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2019.2. 11– 2019.2.17)

Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of February

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the 4 key families in Dhaka and the 4 young families in Chittagong to open more to the Lord’s shepherding, to grow up in life to function and to open their houses to serve the Lord.
2. Pray for the brothers’ house and sisters’ house and may all the young saints be shepherded well to have a good church life.

1. Pray for the saints to coordinate and serve the Lord with one accord to cooperate with His move in Laos.
2. Pray for the translation of the ministry materials into Lao, so that the saints serving in translation would be filled with revelation from God, and that the translated materials would supply the needs of the saints.

1. Pray for the campus gospel move of the new semester in major cities, that many good materials can be gained from the campuses and be perfected as the useful vessels to be formed into the army of God for His move on the earth.
2. Pray for the new term of FTTND, that the Lord can strengthen all the 9 new trainees coming for the first term; pray also for all the existing trainees to be perfected and advanced further in truth, life, service and character in order to be useful to the Master.

祷告事项: 二月第二周

1. 为达卡四个关键的家与吉大港四个年轻的家,向主的牧养更加敞开,在生命里长大而尽功用,并打开自己的家服事主代祷。
2. 为弟兄之家和姊妹之家代祷,求主使所有年轻弟兄姊妹得着好的牧养而有美好的召会生活。

1. 为寮国圣徒同心合意配搭一起服事主,与主在寮国的行动配合代祷。
2. 为寮语职事材料的翻译代祷,求主使服事翻译的圣徒满有从神来的启示,也使翻译材料能供应圣徒们的需要。

1. 为各主要城市新学期的校园福音行动代祷,使主在校园中得着许多好材料,受成全作合用的器皿,编组成军,为着神在地上的行动。
2. 为新一期全时间训练代祷,求主加强九位参加第一期的新学员;也为现有学员得成全,在真理、生命、事奉、性格上往前,合乎主人使用代祷。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/