Jackson, MS/Birmingham, AL—Gospel Trip, Report 8 美国密西西比州杰克逊及阿拉巴马州伯明翰 福音之旅,第八报导

Jackson, MS/Birmingham, AL—Gospel Trip, Report 8

We thank the Lord that we are now on the second part of our gospel trip, which is here in Birmingham, AL.

Today, we had a wonderful time blending with the local saints in Alabama. We first toured the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa and then traveled to Birmingham. At Birmingham, we blended with the saints over a love feast. We had a time of singing, eating and getting to know each other. We look forward to more blending this upcoming week. Moreover, we are eager to dive into the work that the saints are carrying out here. The main burden for this week would be to gain college students from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. So, this upcoming week we will spent most of our time being with the saints on campus. May we be channels of life so that the Lord can pass through us.

Prayer Burdens:

  • That the Lord will continue to strengthen and blend together all the saints in Birmingham, Alabama.
  • That the Lord will bless the campus work at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and gain much remaining fruit.

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Source: http://www.gtca.us/southeast/jackson/birmingham/2019/02/03/jackson-ms-birmingham-al-gospel-trip-report-8.html