Indonesia Saints Singing Hymns to the Lord 印尼圣徒向主唱诗

When the air is bright, but often there are dark clouds.
Ever had an intimate midnight singing, but often did not speak.
Even though the air is bright, it’s often cloudy.
Forcing me to learn patiently, I must seek God and His love.
What time do you have for your stick? Just pour water for drinking.
Your furnace will glow red, only your pattern will be formed.
Fire, how much is it burning? The new exam will be perfect.
How deep is your hand pierced? Only can suction sweetness.

When you need thorns, then declare Your strength;
I once struggled near death, no: sleep, eat, place to live.
Do you have to lose your assets, then you can get freedom;
I’ve never been known, there’s no help, just lean without anxiety.
Sometimes it’s also scrambling, fighting against each other,
Whoever wants to ‘hit hard, anyone wants to complain.
I close the door to sing unto you, know thy heart which is most painful,
Knowing my loss is not worth Your loss, learn allies with Your suffering.

Every day passes quickly, I sit quietly before You,
I heard: “the pace” of time, made me feel dusk.
The cold moon is shrinking, this life is getting cut off,
Dark clouds are not much, most lag behind.
The day before was narrowing, splitting me from the past.
The passing time is describing, the complexity in this life.
All “visible” are drowning, the “invisible” is being realized
My hope looked up, my heart walked with him.

If you look at my age: my day, month, year,
A lifetime comes and goes, soon to the end;
Turning to the starting point, which one is sweeter?
Actually dawn or dusk? Twilight is closer to your face!
I await your coming, my heart can’t stand it,
Eyes were getting blurry, I immediately left the tent this time;
The mountain smile was calling me to rest, I slowly let go of the heavy burden,
My shackles as if I were melting, I went home, I immediately went home.

Song Background:

When the ministers of Watchman Nee on earth would stop, the journey of his life would be finished, from prison he wrote this song, stating he was in fellowship with the suffering of Christ, waiting for the Lord’s return, to get merit into the kingdom.

When John was banished to Patmos, he wrote the Book of Revelation, saying this, “I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, … (Rev. 1: 9a). When Paul was put in prison in Rome, he also said the same words, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. “(Phil. 3: 10-11). The resurrection here refers to an extraordinary resurrection, namely “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection:…, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” (Rev. 20: 6).
