College Conference | Christians on Campus at UC Berkeley 大专特会 | 加州大学伯克利分校校园基督徒

“This college conference I enjoyed that the Word of God, the Bible, is a love letter from God to His believers. Since He is invisible, He has made Himself tangible through the Word. And for us to see the depth of His love and all the riches He has provided, it is a necessity for us to read His Word. This reading should be daily or as much as possible just like how we would want to see and get to know our significant other as much as possible. Praise the Lord for His Word!” — Justin K. #LivingWord18 #cocucb 🙏🏻 We had such an enjoyable time blending with believers from all over Northern California this weekend! Keep an eye out for our posts the rest of this week— our club members have some rich overflow for you! 😊 Also, mark your calendars! Our next event is fast approaching. Visit for more information!  @ Sacramento, California
