Life in Islamabad 伊斯兰堡生活

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“The counsel of Jehovah stands forever; The intentions of His heart stand from generation to generation.”
Psalm 33:11
News Highlights
1 – Summer Training.  What used to be a month-long summer training over at Murree Hills has now been shortened to 2 weeks and has been divided into 3 short trainings for 3 different groups of saints.
        a) The first one was for high school and college students (16 – 25 years) which took place on July 1 – 5. There were 26 students who enjoyed the messages from the Genesis Crystallization-Study. The focus was on character, education and marriage.
             b) The second one was for the new ones which lasted for one week, from July 5-12.There were 42 new ones ( 13 years old and up). The messages were taken from the Morning Revival for New Believers.
            c) The last training was for the serving ones on July 12-15. There were 19 saints that enjoyed the messages from the 2018 ITERO Spring Conference which was on “Service for the Building Up of the Church.”

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2 – The schedule for the different church activities (in 2 separate districts) has been slightly revised (statistics included):
       Lord’s Day Meeting/Prophesying Meeting/Children’s meeting at the 2 meeting halls. Around 65-70 saints attend the Lord’s Table /Prophesying Meetings and for the children’s meetings, there are around 12-15 children in Dist 1 and around 20 children in Dist 2.
       Monday – There are around eleven (11) sisters in one community in Dist 1 that attend the Sisters’ Meeting.

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      Combined Brothers’ Coordination Mtg. (from 2 districts). There are around 12-13 brothers who are in attendance.
      Tuesday – Prayer meeting at 7:30 pm. A total of 30-35 saints attend the 2 prayer meetings.

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     Wednesday – There is a group meeting in each of the 3 communities. A total of around 45 saints are in attendance.

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      Thursday – Around 12-15 saints in Dist 1 go for Gospel Preaching. They go to any Christian community in Islamabad where the Lord leads them.
      Friday – Sisters’ Meeting in District 2 and in the other district 1 community. However, the Dist 1 Sisters’ mtg is currently cancelled for very low attendance because most of the sisters  there have small children.
     Saturday morning – Half-day training for the saints from both districts. Around 25 saints attend that.
     Saturday evening – Youth Meetings in both districts. There are around 7 youth  in one community that usually attend the dist 1 youth meeting but since last weekend 4 new young people (and 2 more are joining) from the other community joined. There are eleven (11) young people that attend in Dist 2.
      The older saints in Dist 2, around 8-10 of them, mostly brothers, go for gospel preaching.
3 – District 1 Meeting hall has been moved to the other Dist 1 community. There were a few reasons why we moved, but the main reason was another church meeting went on simultaneously with our meeting on Lord’s Day, and they use loud speakers  so there was a lot of disturbance.
4 – Two-Day Training. Last Wednesday and Thursday, on Aug 22 & 23,we had 2 days training on  “The Kingdom of God” . We took advantage of the weeklong holiday here in Pakistan during which the Muslims sacrificed  animals in their homes.
5 – A new Hymn Book containing over 500 hymns will be printed soon for all the saints’ use in Pakistan.
6 – Almost all of the Chinese-speaking saints in the different localities here are now working in the private sector – banks, tools business, teaching Chinese in the universities, etc. but at the same time they also serve in the evenings and on weekends.
             PRAYER BURDENS
Please pray for:
1. Saints to be in one accord and growing in life.
2. The Chinese-speaking saints’ safety and valid status in Pakistan.
3. Continued increase of new ones.
🎼“Hallelujah for the Body!
We are members of the Body!
We are wholly for the Body
Hallelujah, for the Lord has made us one!!”🎼
In His Most Holy Name,
Raj and Meldy Bhatti