Students’ Sharing concerning 2018 College Training | Christians on Campus at UC Berkeley 二〇一八学生大专训练分享|加州大学伯克利分校校园基督徒

“I really enjoyed from the college training that the Lord has given us a new heart and a new spirit! Ezekiel 36:26 says, ‘I will also give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.’ Thank you, Lord! Yet, we need to keep in mind that we need to maintain our new heart and our new spirit and be sensitive to their conditions. Lord, purify our hearts (Matt 5:8)! Cause us to be those who are poor in spirit (Matt 5:3), empty and unloaded so that our spirit is open to You!” — Christine R. #ANewHeart18 #cocucb 💛 @ Oak Glen Christian Conference Center

图片中可能有:8 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着

图片中可能有:8 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着、树木和户外


图片中可能有:6 位用户、婚礼和人群

图片中可能有:9 位用户、微笑的用户、一群人站着、树木和户外

“I think my biggest takeaway from the college training was realizing how my heart loves the Lord + many other things. The Lord gave us all a new heart to love Him, but so many times our heart has its eyes on other things. To realize the condition of my heart was very sobering, but I enjoyed seeing that we don’t need to use our own self effort to make changes in our life, or to try to stop loving other things (doing that would only result in us failing eventually). It’s actually just our allowing the Lord to draw us to love Him more and allowing the Lord to make more home in our heart. As we love Him more and turn our heart to Him, the veil is taken away (2 Cor. 3:16)! The result of turning to Him to love Him daily like this is the Lord making us more and more the same as He is (2 Cor. 3:18), as the only One who loves God absolutely. Our God is a jealous God, and we need to be those who love Him with a pure and single heart. And when we really see the Lord’s peerless worth and attractiveness, we will just spontaneously love all the other things less. Lord, make us crazy lovers of You! :)” — Grace L. #ANewHeart18#cocucb 🌼 @ Oak Glen Christian Conference Center
