2018 the One New Man College Conference 二〇一八“一个新人”大专特会

coc_tuksEphesians 4:22-24 – That you put off, as regards your former manner of life, the old man, which is being corrupted according to the lusts of the deceit,
And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind
And put on the new man, which was created according to God in righteousness and holiness of the reality… Why is division such a big problem to God?… Because God desires a CORPORATE man that would have His image to express Him and His dominion to represent Him. Christ is all and in all in the One New Man and when we take Christ as our Person we can be one. Praise the Lord for the One New Man!


Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BlXgbUUAWSI/