
Update of the Lord’s move in Turkey, September, 2011.

1. The Turkish translation project has started and one more translator can help to complete this project. This project includes twenty-four booklets of New Believers’ Series by Watchman Nee. We expect that the first draft of translation can be completed in January 2012. Then we may do the proof-reading during the winter break in February. Please pray for the translation work and also for the publication and distribution of the translated Turkish Rhema materials. May the Lord spread the gospel of Kingdom through these publications.

2. Saints keep visiting us every week. In September we have brother Richard from London, Emily and Melody from Arizona and Dallas, Ivan and Wendy from Hong Kong and Jerry from Seoul. Right now brother Jason from China is visiting his company’s office in Istanbul and may be able to stay here for few months for his work.

3. Timothy is going to join the ITERO in Holland this week. It is really a wonderful opportunity to blend with the serving brothers especailly in Europe. May the Lord blessing this training with His presence and His speaking.

4. After the ITERO, there will be a group of saints coming to us and have a tour in southwest Turkey. Please pray for all the arrangements of their visit. May the Lord bless the saints here through the fellowship of His Body.