Current Prayer Burdens Related to Europe 欧洲当前祷告负担

Burdens related to Europe (week of 25 February 2018)

1) Spring European university conference in the Netherlands (23-25 March)
This year the subject of the conference will be “The Humanity of Jesus for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose.” We feel that this topic is very much according to the Lord’s heart, and it is also stirring up His enemy’s opposition. Please pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the university-age saints from all over Europe and release them to attend the conference. Please pray also that the Lord’s blessing will be poured out on every aspect of this gathering.

2) UK Building Project (London)
For information regarding the urgent need to construct training facilities in London, please click on the link UK Building Project at The present burden is to expand facilities at Woodland Camp so that 200 Europeans per week can be trained. The cost of this expansion is estimated to be approximately 2.5 million US dollars. The hope is that these funds can be available in a timely way so that construction can be completed by the end of 2018. Instructions for giving directly to Amana Trust can be found on the above website. Instructions for giving through LME can be found at Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.”

3) The Lord’s move in Germany
Please continue to pray:
• That many seeking ones who received a free Bible will be shepherded into the church life
• For the raising up of lampstands in many cities that were visited after the fall ITERO
• That the Lord will send experienced brothers who can provide leadership to the work in Germany
• That more young saints from outside Germany will gain admission to German universities
• That those who are emigrating to Germany will find housing and jobs and obtain visas
• For the learning of the German language by the saints who have emigrated
• For the increase, strengthening, and building up of all the existing churches in Germany
An application for those who are led by the Lord to emigrate for the Lord’s move can be downloaded
by clicking on Application at Gifts to support the Lord’s move in Germany should be given to LME and designated “European Gospel Work.” For instructions click on Offerings on the home page of the LME website.

4) Raising up the Lord’s testimony in Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands and on the island of Malta

5) Printing of Bibles for Europe
Donations for future printings should be given directly to LSM and designated “Printing Bibles for Europe.” Please download instructions for giving to LSM by clicking on Information at the top of the home page at and then on the link How to Give.

6) Continuing distribution of ministry publications and shepherding of seeking ones
Please pray:
• For the radio broadcasts in the UK and Spain and the continuing distribution of the New Testament
Recovery Version and other free ministry publications in all the European languages.
• For the shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.

7) The raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade and Novi Sad, Serbia; Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; Hamburg and Munich, Germany; Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands; and Tirana, Albania.