Puerto Rico
January 19
Praise the Lord for the churches in Puerto Rico!
We have really been enjoying so much of the rich portion of Christ in all the saints on this island. On Wednesday half of the team woke up to preach the gospel in San Sebastian and the other half of the team followed the same schedule in Arecibo. After finishing our gospel preaching, we left from the respective localities and the two teams joined each other to travel to Vega Alta and to Toa Alta while enjoying the Lord with the singing of many hymns in the rental van. We split again into two teams to go to both of these localities. The team in Vega Alta arrived at a home meeting and the team in Toa Alta had a coordination meeting with the saints. In Vega Alta we enjoyed singing many hymns with the playing of the cuatro instrument, which is Puerto Rico’s national instrument.
On Thursday the team in Vega Alta had the privilege to visit an elderly couple in their house with some of the local saints to shepherd them by singing hymns and sharing our enjoyments of the Lord with them. The wife was very shepherded with the singing of a few of her favorite hymns. The team in Toa Alta spent time with the Rhema offices and they continued to preach the gospel resulting in 6 people praying to receive the Lord. In the evening, the team in Vega Alta went to the neighboring city of Dorado where they will be for the rest of the week. Once they arrived in Dorado, they introduced themselves to the saints and shared their enjoyments of Christ in this gospel trip. The other team stayed in Toa Alta to keep blending with the saints. We keep feeling a very rich portion of Christ in all the saints in the prayer time, the sharing of enjoyments, and the singing of the hymns with them! You can sense in the spirit that they are enjoying the all-inclusive Christ all the time regardless of the situation they are found in after the hurricane Maria. This has been such an encouragement to us and it has caused us all to keep activating the law of rejoicing in our spirit!
Prayer Burdens:
1. The team in Toa Alta would be covered in their visit to the saints homes and that these saints would be encouraged.
2. For the care and shepherding of the children and the young people in Vega Baja because many of the saints that cared for them left the island. Please continue praying for the quick repair of the electricity and the debris on the road, which makes it difficult for the saints to meet in Vega Baja.