2018 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens 2
January 19, 2018
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 17
Praise the Lord!
All of the trainees were in Norman today on the OU campus. We continued to pass out the event flyers and had a table in the union. Some students were still passing out flyers this evening from 6 to 9 pm at the organization fair so we will not have the exact number of flyers passed out until tomorrow.
Today we met a sister from India who is in Oklahoma for her second master’s. Yesterday she walked all the way to our campus house in (sub-freezing weather) because she thought we would have a Bible study there but was very sad, she said, when no one came to the door. She found us today on campus and was eager to get connected to some Christians. She talked with a few of us for a while and then ate lunch with a trainee and a full time serving one. It is only her second day here and doesn’t know anyone.
Prayer burdens:
1) This sister from India would really get built in; the Lord would fill all her hunger and quench all her thirst!
2) The Lord would bring the seeking ones to the solid ground meetings tomorrow (Thursday) night in Edmond and Norman.