Update on Europe (12/18/2017) 欧洲简报 (二〇一七年十二月18日)

Dear saints, 

We just came back to the U.S. from Milan. We are very thankful for what the Lord has been doing in Italy. The Lord is blessing the saints in Italy and continues to build up His churches. We give all the glory to Him. The seven new Italian couples in Milan still continue to be contacted and some of them even opened their homes for meeting. The local saints also opened their homes for group meetings. There are more than 4 group meetings during the week. May the Lord continue to encourage those saints who opened their homes and release many saints to practice the small group meetings and be built up together as many vital groups.

This semester, some new students in Milan have opened to read the Bible and life-study messages together during the week. Some saints from Milan continue to bring their new ones to the church meeting. A few of them got saved and baptized this semester. May the Lord continue to bless these new ones and make them as remaining fruits. 

During the conference in Florence around 100 oversea saints came to Italy to blend and fellowship. We are burdened that local saints from Italy can also go out to blend and see the Body. Praise the Lord!! 28 saints from Italy registered for the International Chinese new year conference in Taipei. Majority are Italian speaking saints and first time to go to Taiwan. May the Lord bless this blending trip and conference in Taiwan. 

The Lord is also moving in Florence area. There was one college sister studying in florence but this semester the Lord added 3 more students. They started a young peoples’ meeting with 7 young people in Prato a few months ago. (Prato is half hour away from Florence) 2 college sisters from Florence also visited the full-time training in London for a week.  We were very encouraged for the young people’s fresh consecration of their daily life to the Lord in Prato’s young people meeting. May the Lord continue to supply them and bless the young people in Prato. 

Prayer burdens from Italy : 

  1. Please pray for the group meetings in Milan during the week. 
  2. Please pray for the 28 saints from Italy going to a blending trip and the conference in Taipei. 
  3. Please continue to pray for the Lord to gain these 7 Italian couples from Milan and gain them for His move in Italy. 
  4. Please pray for the young people meeting in Prato.
  5. Please pray for raising up the golden lampstands in Prato, Torino, Vicenza, Fucecchio and Napoli. 
  6. Please pray for the Lord to prepare some college students to go to the full time training.  (One sister in Milan just finished her third term in FTTL this December)
  7. Please pray to raise up some translators for the Italian new testament recovery vision. 
  8. Please pray for the meeting hall in Milan. (Rome meeting hall is already completed this Oct. )