Praise the Lord for continuing to sow His Word in Germany. From the 9th to the 20th October, almost 500 saints participated in Bible Distribution activities covering many parts of Germany. These saints were based in 10 cites, and formed dozens of sub teams. In total, almost 60 cities were visited, including over 50 university campuses. A total of 31,366 Bibles were distributed.
The saints can testify that they have been sustained, covered, and supplied by the prayers of all the saints from around the world, and they can testify that all the Bibles that have been passed out are from the Body.
The Spirit went before us to brood over all these places and sweep in the hearts of men, because there were so many soft hearts, open and ready to receive God’s Word throughout Germany. A number of them were so impressed with what we were doing, that they even joined us to distribute the Bibles. Numerous accounts of open, seeking Germans, and a small number of international students were made note of by the saints.
Here are just a couple of testimonies:
In one location, the saints were handing out Bibles and noticed a police officer observing them from a distance. He then made a couple of slow passes by them. Finally, he turned and began to approach them again. They were certain he was going to tell them they had to either cease what they were doing, or relocate. When he came up to them, he said, “I would like two.” He returned a few minutes later and said, “Can I have another one for my boss?”
On one campus, the brothers gave out a Bible to a student who identified himself as the leader of a campus Christian group. He really liked the Bible after he began looking at it, and soon was in fellowship with the brother who gave it to them. The brother shared with him about Eve being a type of the church. The young brother was so enthralled by this fellowship that he asked Paul if he and the brothers could arrange a Bible study with his entire group.
Please continue to pray that the Lord of the Harvest would sow and reap from this lovely outreach. The Word of God is living and operative in Deutschland! Blending Conference in Stuttgart The blending conference on October 14–‐15, in Stuttgart, Germany, was attended by 1,101 saints (including 105 children) from 27 countries. Four messages were re-spoken from the ITERO, on The Recovery of the Church, given in Leipzig the previous weekend.
The three messages given on Saturday were: 1) The Original Condition of the Church, the Degradation of the Church, and the Recovery of the Church 2) The Recovery of the Church life 3) Jehovah’s Commanded Blessing of Life on Brothers Who Dwell Together in Oneness. On Lord’s Day, there was a wonderful Lord’s table as 10 brothers from both Germany and various continents broke the bread in a rich exhibition of the one Body of Christ. Following the table meeting, a final message was shared on “The Status of the Church – the Counterpart of Christ.”
Many attendees felt that this conference was a truly memorial one as the weekend was between the two weeks of Bible distribution in which over 30,000 Bibles were given out. During the messages, the Lord freshly anointed every word with much life and light. Many of the testimonies were from the local German saints, along with a few new ones from the campus, the community, and the camps.
Over 100 of the Farsi and Arabic saints attended, and we believe the Lord expanded their vision concerning the Body of Christ during this rich blending time. We pray that the Lord will continue to grant the saints in Germany many more rich times of blending unto the building up of the body of Christ.