台北市召会六十四会所成立暨诗歌见证聚会 Meeting for Establishing Hall 64 of the Church in Taipei City with Hymns Singing and Testimonies 已发表 2017-11-20
已发表 2017-02-22 Saints Calling on the Name of the Lord in the Church in Kithlueng Villege, Matupi, Chin State, Myanmar 缅甸钦邦巴杜比Kithlueng村圣徒呼求主名 Saints calling on the […]
已发表 2017-03-27 纽约市召会校园相调及福音聚会 College Students’ Blending Meeting and Gospel Meeting in the Church of New York City 3月25日,乍暖还寒,纽约市召会组织各校园( […]