主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一七年十月1日至十月7日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2017.10.1-2017.10.7)

1. 为缅甸西部若开邦因武装冲突而生活艰难的圣徒们代祷;也为若开邦的皎道召会代祷。
2. 为缅文旧约恢复本圣经翻译工作代祷。

1. 为福音传扬在波卡拉能坚定持续,以得着40位寻求者成为召会常存的果子代祷。
2. 为10/20-10/21在加德满都举行的全国集调代祷,求主加强祂向众召会的说话,使所有圣徒都被激动,在召会生活中尽功用。

1. 为新人成全训练使新人受成全过正常的召会生活代祷。
2. 为中干成全训练兴起人成为服事者代祷。

1. Pray for the saints who live in difficulties because of the Crisis in the Rakhine State in West Myanmar; also pray for the church in Kyauktaw in Rakhine State
2. Pray for the translation of the Old Testament Recovery Version into Burmese.

1. Pray for the gospel preaching to be steadfast in Pokhara that 40 seeking ones can be gained and become the remaining fruit in the church.
2. Pray for the National Blending Conference in Kathmandu from 10/20-10/21 and may the Lord strengthen His speaking to the churches that all the saints can be stirred up to function in the church life.

1. Pray for the perfecting trainings for the new ones that they would be perfected to have a normal church life.
2. Pray for the perfecting training for core members that more would rise up to participate in the service.

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burdens/prayer-burdens-week-1-of-october-4/