A Fresh Call to Migrate in the Present Day 当前移民最新呼召

The Present Day: A Fresh Call to Migrate

At the end of an intermittent history, today there is a renewed call for a spirit of sojourning among the saints in the Lord’s recovery. During the 2008 Summer Training, the churches were imparted a fresh burden for America – to carry the church life to every city, town and village. This move of the Lord was initiated with migrations to Boston, MA; Champaign-Urbana, IL; and Columbus, OH, including the formation of full-time campus teams at local universities. Recently, brothers and sisters have continued carrying out this burden with migrations to Charlottesville, VA; Fort Collins, CO; Madison, WI; Montreal, Quebec; and Philadelphia, PA.

Hundreds of strategic cities remain.

Now what shall we do? The Lord has brought the flow of His present testimony to this country, and He has begun the recovery of the local church life here. In these days we are all burdened for this. According to the present trend, this flow will sweep over the whole country. There are so many hungry, thirsty, and wandering ones who are fed up with old Christianity and “Churchianity.” If we spend some time to travel through the United States, from state to state, city to city, and town to town, we will find that nearly in every place there are hungry, wondering, and wandering Christians. This is the Lord’s doing…

According to the outward need, the timing is right, and according to the preparation among us, the timing is also right. Therefore, we are burdened that at least some of us, if not many, must go out in migration with the burden to help the seeking ones…(Lee, Witness. Unpublished message, August 23, 1969)

May we be clear about our purpose for the migrations. The purpose of the migrations is to spread the Lord’s full recovery of the church life with all the items and all the aspects of what Christ is to His Body. If we are clear, when we go out, we will know where to go, where to stand, and what we must do. We will also know how to face all the situations, and we will not be misled by anything. We know our goal, we know our purpose, and we know our standing. May we bring this fellowship to the Lord in prayer for the preparation for the migrations. (Lee, Witness. Bearing Remaining Fruit. Vol. 2. Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 2004. 276-277)

Source: http://wemigrate.org/