彰投区众召会相调暨二林召会成立聚会与福音游行 Meeting for the Establishing of the Church in Erling and for the Blending of the Churches in Changhua-Nantou and the Gospel Parade 已发表 2017-05-09 Source: https://www.facebook.com/lukelai123456/media_set?set=a.10206734843929493.1073741890.1826360291&type=3
已发表 2017-04-03 Christians on Campus Declaring “Jesus is Lord” at Boston University 波士顿校园基督徒宣告“耶稣是主” Jesus is Lord at Bosto […]
已发表 2020-03-05 Combined Lord’s Table Meeting of the Church in Malabon 马拉闵召会集中主日聚会 Source: https:/ […]