Ruwais, UAE – First Lord’s table meeting. Thank you Lord for such a glorious church life! – via BMT
Revelation 3:14a says that Christ is the Amen. What does amen mean? This is the unique, heavenly, and divine language. I believe when we get into the New Jerusalem we will still speak this kind of language. These two words, hallelujah and amen, are universal. The confusion at Babel destroyed the universal language, but two words were not destroyed, hallelujah and amen. Amen simply means “that’s it.” When you say amen you mean “that’s it.” Oh, the divine dispensation is so wonderful. That’s it! Oh, the Triune God dispenses Himself into me. That’s it! I am so happy I am in the church life. Amen! That’s it! The glorious church life! That’s it! It is real, it is yes forever. Amen is a kind of eternal yes. “That’s it” is just Christ Himself. Christ has a name and His name is called Amen—That’s It! This is also for life dispensing. (The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity, Chapter 10)