First Lord’s Table Meeting in Split, Croatia 克罗地亚斯普利特首次擘饼聚会

First Lord´s Table in Split, Croatia

April 23, 2017

With a population of around 180,000, Split is the second largest city in Croatia, one of the ex- Yugoslavian countries.

The history of the church in Split goes back to the year 2012, when a seeking sister, a reader of the Rhema books, responded to an invitation to the One Week Training (OWT) in London. Shortly after she returned to Split, she was joined by a seeking couple, and through the initial visits of the saints from Germany, a small group of saints slowly began to form.

With the help of the mini-conference in Pula in 2013, the Rhema seminar in Split in 2014, and the new LSM publications that were released and distributed in the Serbian and Croatian languages, the saints in Spit were brought into the vision of God´s economy and of the genuine oneness. From 2014 the saints from Split begin to know the Body by regularly joining the annual blending conference in Slovakia and the OWT in London. Up to now at least 80% of the saints presently meeting in Split have attended the OWT. This has greatly helped them to go on and has deepened their vision.

From 2015 a number of saints and serving couples from other churches began to spend an extended time in Split to supply the saints, which contributed much to the producing of the church in Split. In the beginning of 2016 a regional conference took place in Split, and new saints joined the weekly meetings of the saints. In the same year the brothers who took the lead in the church in Split began to meet and fellowship with the brothers from nearby countries, especially those from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Serbia. Eventually, the brothers opened their burden to begin to break bread in Split. The number of the saints meeting in Split had grown to 30 adults. After much prayer and fellowship in the Body, and after much supply from the prayers of the whole Body, the brothers in Split had the life and peace to take the ground in Split.

On 23 April 2017 approximately 130 saints from 11 different countries, including 30 local saints standing on the genuine ground of oneness, met together around the Lord’s table to testify in Split concerning the one Body of Christ on earth. From the beginning the atmosphere was very high and joyful. The saints enjoyed together some of the precious hymns that are especially rich concerning the person and work of Christ.

Before we broke the bread and blessed the cup, a brother gave an excellent word concerning some aspects of the Lord’s table, and he stressed the point that the Lord’s table is the highest and most important meeting of the church. It is profound, high, rich and full of significance, but the practice is very simple, and the secret is our mingled spirit. After we enjoyed more hymns and broke the bread, the Lord led us to worship the Father with more hymns and praise. After the table meeting the overflow sharing of the saints was full of light and supply.

The spirit of the meeting was victorious and glorious! Everyone was full and satisfied. This meeting was a very good pattern for the saints in Split as they continue to break bread week by week.

A video report can be found at

We hope all the saints will continue to pray that the church life in Split will be prevailing and fruitful.

The serving saints in Slovakia