Summary Statistics for 2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trips to Clemson, SC / Valdosta, GA 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员赴南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森 & 佐治亚州瓦尔多斯塔福音之旅概要统计

Clemson, SC / Valdosta, GA – 2017 FTTA Gospel Trip Summary Statistics

Gospel Tracts Distributed: 0
Bible/Rhema Sets Distributed: 2,333
Number of Contacts: 564
Number Led to Prayer: 13
Number Baptized: 3
Number of Visitations: 0
Number of Churches Visited: 3

Prayer Burdens (Valadosta, GA)
– That the Lord will raise up at least one family with a home in Valdosta to care for the hungry seekers in the area
– May there be a strong follow-up of all the students contacted on the university
– That the Lord will raise up at least one family with a home in Valdosta where the hungry seekers of the truth can find their nest.