Local Saints’ Testimonies concerning 2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Folsom, CA 当地圣徒们关于二〇一七年安那翰全训学员赴加州佛森福音之旅的见证

Folsom, CA – 2017 FTTA Gospel Trip Video Report Including Testimonies From Local Saints

In Acts 10 we need to be impressed that both Peter and Cornelius had a specific hour set aside for prayer, the prayer hour. This matter was mentioned already in Acts 3:1, when Peter and John went to the temple at the ninth-hour prayer. Both Peter and Cornelius had specific times, certain hours, for prayer, and they kept the hours of prayer. The vision concerning the Gentiles being brought into the Body was revealed to both sides through prayer. At one end, Cornelius received the vision by prayer, and at the other end, Peter likewise received the vision by prayer. We need to take note that the whole matter was carried out by means of prayer. There should be many testimonies among us concerning how the Lord has spoken to us through our prayer and how He has joined us together for the service through our prayer. I long to hear such testimonies before the time comes for the moving out to other cities, for the migration. We may hear that the Lord has put together a certain number of families for His move not by their discussion but by their prayer. (To Serve in the Human Spirit, Chapter 5)

Gospel Tracts Distributed: 1,007
Bible/Rhema Sets Distributed: 249
Number of Contacts: 234
Number Led to Prayer: 48
Number Baptized: 0
Number of Visitations: 10
Number of Churches Visited: 1

video source: https://youtu.be/WACKUjvpqPg

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/?fref=ts