Resumption of the Lord’s Table Meeting on March 5, 2017 in Mississauga, Canada 二〇一七年三月5日加拿大密西沙加恢复擘饼聚会

Resumption of the Lord’s table on March 5, 2017 in Mississauga, ONT., Canada. Praise the Lord for the the testimony of Jesus in Mississauga! – via 고양호

Ephesians 5:25 says that Christ “loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Christ’s purpose in giving Himself up for the church was to sanctify her. He will not only separate the church to Himself from everything common, but will also saturate her with Himself so that she may be His counterpart. This is accomplished by the washing of water in the Word. How Christ loves the church! The Christ who dwells within us is the Christ who loves the church. Having given Himself up for the church and to the church, He is now sanctifying her. In His love for the church, He is cleansing and purifying her to make her holy and without blemish. (Life-Study of Ephesians, Chapter 79)
