2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Chico, CA 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员赴加州奇科福音之旅

Chico, CA— 2017 Gospel Trip, Days 1-5

– Six FTTA trainees arrived in Chico on Friday, January 27, 2017. We had a wonderful time of blending with the local saints and other visitors.
– On Saturday, January 28, 2017 the saints took us for a tour of Chico; we visited CSU Campus where we will be setting up our table for Bible distribution. Then, we had a brief BfA training for all the volunteers. We ended the day by packaging 500 Bibles to be used for the distribution.
– On the Lord’s Day, January 29, 2017 we attended a glorious table meeting with close to 40 saints from many different localities e.g. Modesta, Sacramento, Redding, Berkeley, Auburn, etc.). Then we had a love feast as an opportunity to blend with the saints. Following that, five teams of 3-5 people went out door-knocking mostly in the area close to the campus. Everyone came back with a positive impression of contacting the students.
– On Monday we had our “day-off”, and the saints took us to Alpha House, a facility built by the saints and used for conferences, in Nevada city.
– Today we had our first day of Bible distribution at CSU Chico. We can testify that the Lord is doing something here in Chico! The students were open, soft, and hungry for the truth.

– We met one guy (J.S.) who felt that he needed the gospel in his life and that the Lord sent us specifically to him.
– One student (L.J.) was crying as the sisters preached the gospel to her because she felt lonely and had lost hope in Christianity.
– Another student (T.C.), after having received the NT RcV Bible and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, sat down nearby to read them for about 30 minutes.

Statistics (January 29-31):
– 27 Bibles distributed (1 tract included in every bible)
– Approximately 20 BECL distributed
– Approximately 50 other tracts and brochures for free Bible/free literature distributed

Prayer Burdens:
– That the Lord will preserve the health of everyone participating
– That the Lord will thrust out the workers for proper follow-up and shepherding
– That the Lord may burden more saints to move to Chico

Praise the Lord for His move in Chico and all over the earth!
