Gospel Trip to Ottawa, Ontario in Canada | GTCA Report 加拿大安大略省渥太华福音之旅 | “福音化、真理化、召会化北美”报道

Canada – Ottawa, Ontario—Gospel Trip Report

February 2, 2017
After four days of sowing on the college campuses and in the community, the Lord has blessed us with many positive contacts and many Bible recipients. Now we are focusing more on the shepherding and follow-up with these positive contacts. On the one hand, one burden is to distribute the Word of God to the community. On the other hand, our view and our goal is to gain remaining fruit. We predict that by the end of this week, we will have passed around 1,000 Bibles. Of these 1,000 recipients, if the saints in Ottawa had 10 solid positive contacts to shepherd, then this sowing trip will be a success. To gain 10 such ones, we need adequate follow-up with our positive contacts and much and thorough prayer. Lord, may you gain at least 10!

These four days of labor have also tested our endurance. Nevertheless, we have enjoyed coming to the Lord in a fresh way morning by morning to be revived and strengthened. Here are some lines from some hymns that we have enjoyed.

Hymn 554:
“I come to his presence afresh… And He speaks to me and reveals to me all His riches for me today; and with sweet delight I partake of Him, My hunger has passed away… And I drink of Him for my every need, my thirsting has passed away”

Hymn 521:
“I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown, and I begin to see, What Thou canst be to all Thine own, What they may be to Thee; If only they will yield Thee all, And trustingly obey Thy call”

Gospel Outreach:

The current statistics are as follows (numbers are still in flux): Tracts: 1,895 BfC Bible Offer Cards: 2 Bibles: 840 Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1: 69 Other BfC Ministry books: 545 Contacts >30 seconds: 779 Prayed With: 19 Second Appointment: 9

We also have 73 very open positive contacts and 187 additional positive contacts. Many saints are beginning to have appointments with these contacts and we hope to have more appointments on Friday. On Saturday evening, we will host a Bible seminar from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM with dinner included. The topic will be: the Key to Experiencing Christ – the Human Spirit. After a presentation on this topic, we will place the contacts in smaller groups and shepherd them according to their needs. Seminar invitations will be sent out to these contacts tomorrow. May many touch their human spirit on Saturday!

Prayer Burdens:

The Lord would keep Algonquin College open for Bible distribution and Bibles for Canada would maintain positive relationships with other campus ministries
Our contacts would respond to our texts and emails for appointments and they would touch Christ in these appointments
The Lord would bless the Saturday seminar and the Lord would be our wisdom in shepherding the contacts during the group time.
Behold the Sower went out to sow and some seeds fell beside the way, others fell on the rocky places,and others fell into the thorns, However, some fell on the good earth and yielded fruit (Mark 4:3-8). Lord, may some seeds fall on the good earth this week!

source: gtca.us

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/posts/1348497985172112:0