2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Slovakia and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员斯洛伐克福音之旅及代祷负担

(27) Slovakia- 2017 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens

We arrived in Kosice (the largest city in eastern Slovakia) two nights ago and have been happily enjoying the Lord with the 15 or so saints here. We left Bratislava Thursday morning and after our 5.5 hour drive, we arrived in a family’s home for fellowship, singing, and dinner. The husband requested the ministry online less than a year ago, and one of the serving brothers from Bratislava delivered it in-person. Since then, this family have solidly come into the church life and have been an open home to the saints and the young people since.

On Friday, we began our day in a sister’s apartment with a coordination meeting of singing and enjoyment, followed by reading and fellowship on The Vital Groups. We then went to downtown Kosice to distribute tracts and Rhema books. A mother and her daughter were very open and we invited them to our evening meeting.

The evening meeting was held in a rented room in a local university, which the saints tried for the very first time. There were 27 total, including 4 young people, the mother and her daughter from the gospel, and one of the college students’ friends. We had a very rich time of singing and sharing on the matter of eating the Lord to accomplish God’s purpose. About 10 saints shared, and as soon as they began to speak, the mother took out her notebook and fervently wrote down what was spoken. At one point, it seemed she was moved to the point of tears as the saints flowed out the riches of the ministry.

Prayer Burdens:
• The gospel contacts in Kosice (mother and daughter, college brother’s friend) would continue to meet with the saints and be shepherded into the church life through the nourishing ministry of the age
• The saints in Kosice would continue to be built up together and press on in the way of eating, enjoying, digesting, and becoming the Lord.

source: beseeching.org