2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Slovakia and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员斯洛伐克福音之旅及代祷负担

Our six-member gospel team arrived in Bratislava on Saturday, January 21st and joined the Lord’s table and prophesying meeting the next day. We enjoyed blending with the 20-25 saints on the Lord’s day in the meetings and during lunch, including one from Vienna, Austria and a family who drove two hours to be with us. We visited two saints’ homes for dinner. We have gone sightseeing in the capitals of Slovakia and Austria with the saints, and beginning tomorrow we will have daily coordinations and distributions in the city of Bratislava.

Prayer Burdens:
• That the saints would continue to enter into and endeavor in the God-ordained way for the building up of His Body for His testimony here.
• Pray for our time with the students and families in Bratislava for mutual encouragement and strengthening to press on.

January 23-24
During the past two days, our team has begun each day with coordination meetings with the Bratislavan full-timers and community saints. We have gone out to distribute tracts and booklets near the subway and at Comenius University, the largest university in the country. In the evenings we have visited families, enjoying a time of blending, singing, and fellowship.
We went out in pairs for the gospel at Comenius University with two college brothers yesterday. One young student read with us the tract “It is Human to Need God.” He opened by letting us know he had been struggling for the past year, and the prayer that we read together was the most genuine thing he had said for a long time. We departed after exchanging contact information.
Another student read with us the tract “Are You Thirsty?” and agreed that temporal things do not satisfy. He agreed to us praying for him, and he joined us in saying, “Thank You, Lord,” at the end. We left also after exchanging contact information.
Prayer Burdens:
• Pray that the two university students would remain open and have a second appointment with the saints in Bratislava.
• The two college brothers would be encouraged to shepherd these new ones and also to have regular times on the gospel on their campus.
• Our times with the saints in the homes would be both cherishing and nourishing to encourage one another to press on in a healthy way.

video: Daniel Balaz
report: beseeching.org