2017 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to Germany and Prayer Burdens 二〇一七年安那翰全训学员德国福音之旅及代祷负担

(14) Germany (Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin, Düsseldorf ) 2017 FTTA Gospel Trips Report and Prayer Burdens

January 22, 2017
Stuttgart, Germany
Lord’s day (1/22) we attended the Lord’s table in Stuttgart followed by the baptism of two local German sisters. Through persistent prayer for over a year, C’s baptism was finally released. The other sister (D) is very new. D was invited to the Lord’s table the previous week where she witnessed two Farsi speaking baptisms. She was so touched (to the point of tears) that she wanted to be baptized the next Lord’s day (today). Hallelujah! After the baptism was a love feast followed by small tour of Stuttgart.

Düsseldorf January 22, 2017
Greetings from Düsseldorf, Germany,
met the local saints, and about who speak Farsi attended the meetings. Together, we all enjoyed the Lord together. We then attended the love feast and blended with both the local
The next day, we attended coordination where we first sang hymn #1308 and then prayread Acts
We attended the Lord’s table meeting and prophesying meeting on January 21, 2017. The saints were very open and were happy to meet the trainees. The Düsseldorf team then explored some of the areas of Düsseldorf. Later, the team was split to have
dinner with the local saints.
4:31 and John 21:15-17. We were split into different teams where some of us would attend camps while the rest attended a college campus. Our work time was marvelous. We met some college students, handed out Bibles and tracts, and a few prayed to
receive the Lord!

Frankfurt, Germany (1/22/17)
Dear saints,
We landed in Frankfurt, Germany on Saturday noon. Our first day was spent in orientation and fellowship with a group of local saints, as well as trainees and serving ones sent from Taiwan. We are doing one work as one team, but in two different aspects. A few of us will be visiting new ones around Frankfurt, and most of the others will be meeting German students on campus. During this orientation, one brother charged us, “Just relax and enjoy the Lord. We’re not here for success stories but to build up the Body.”
“Mein bruder!” greeted one of the Farsi-speaking new ones when we met him the first time. It was truly amazing to see our new Farsi-speaking brothers and sisters praying, praising, beaming with joy, breaking bread, and speaking during the Lord’s table meeting and prophesying meeting the next day. Many of them have only been saved and baptized a few months ago.
Prayer burdens: For the year of 2017, the church in Frankfurt is praying for 10 remaining fruit from the local German students on campus, and 20 remaining fruit.
Picture: Team photo in the basement of the meeting hall of the church in Frankfurt, acquired last September. The building used to be a restaurant, with a bowling alley (not in use) in the basement.

Frankfurt, Germany (1/25/17)
“As the church, we are on the defensive, but as the kingdom, we are on the offensive … Instead of waiting for the gates of Hades to attack us, we bind the gates and shut them.” – The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building up of the Church
The labor in Frankfurt is divided into two teams. The campus team members
have been sent to three different locations:
1. Goethe University, Campus Westend (university headquarters and humanities) 2. Goethe University, Campus Riedberg (sciences)
3. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Although finals week is approaching, we are still able to meet and talk to local German students in the cafeterias during lunch time. We can easily chat with them for up to one or two hours. This has also been an effective way to establish follow-up appointments. We have also been setting up Bible tables on these three campuses. On Tuesday, we passed out 232 tracts and 17 bibles and contacted 55 people.
Prayer burdens:
• That the Lord would bless the five appointments established thus far this week with students on campus.
• That we would bind the enemy and put on the whole armor of God.

Greetings from the saints in Berlin! Major prayer burdens:
1. The local saints and serving ones here would establish a consistency in going out for gospel preaching on campus, and establish a consistent Wednesday and Friday bible study club.
2. The new Farsi and Arabic speaking saints would be built up with the local saints in life and the mutual practicing of the enjoyment of the Lord.
3. The consistent one on one shepherding of the Arabic and Farsi speaking saints, and the release of baptism of the newly saved Arabic speaking saints regularly meeting with us.

source: beseeching.org

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