LMA Newsletter – January 2017(English-Chinese Version) LMA 二〇一七年一月份通讯(中英双语版)

Over the past few months, the situation in Bangladesh has been chaotic. On the one hand, we faced social upheaval and unrest caused by the terrorist activities. On the other hand, we also experienced the inward strengthening and leading by the Lord as He continued to bring us onward through our prayers and trusting in Him. Apparently, the spread of the gospel was hindered; actually, the Lord’s work became more intrinsic and subjective. The divine life continued to flow forth unhindered.

Barely a week into the New Year, two terrorist attacks took place in Istanbul and Izmir, Turkey. Outwardly, the situation seemed to be getting worse. But as we behold the glory and beauty of Christ and the church, we are moved to pray much more and are filled with glory and hope in Him! He is calling people out of different backgrounds to take part in His recovery.

To read and download the January issue of the LMA newsletter, please go to




